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Carnival Standings: Monday

Bryan Laprise

Bryan Laprise

While there was the poster for points competition last week, today was the first official day of events for Carnival 2023. Events today included the soda tab collection, cycle one wheelbarrow races, knockout in the gym and the new tradition, Kahoot trivia.

Official standings after these events are:

  1. Gremlins

  2. Armadillos

  3. Tasmanian Devils

  4. Lizards

The breakdown by event is as follows:

Cycle 1 Wheelbarrow race: 1st Gremlins, 2nd Lizards, 3rd Armadillos, 4th Tasmanian Devils

Knockout winner: 1st Devils, 2nd Gremlins, 3rd Armadillos, 4th Lizards

Kahoot trivia winner: Gremlins

Teacher Appreciation Competition: Devils


Piper Post, Alexander Galt Regional High School student newspaper

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