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Hunting and Fishing Trip!

Emma Knapp

Emma Knapp

Hunting and Fishing is a concentration at Alexander Galt, where students get to explore the various hunting and fishing techniques and go on extraordinary trips.

On March 17th, the hunting and fishing concentration took a trip to Salon Chasse et Pêche du Québec. Twelve students went on this trip with the hunting and fishing coordinator Mr. Gauthier who is also a physical education teacher. Ms. Montgomery, Galt's Student Activities Coordinator, took part in the trip as one of the chaperones.

While attending the conference, students were able to take a tour of the various booths. They also had the opportunity to talk with some of the professionals within this domain.

If you are interested in this concentration, it will take you on a journey where you get to explore the hunting and fishing activities. In addition, you will get learning opportunities to discover wildlife, participate in outdoor adventures such as camping and canoeing, all while sharing with others. This concentration has a multitude of activities both on and off campus. If you wish to obtain more information or to register in the concentration, email Mr. Gauthier, or go on the Alexander Galt website.


Piper Post, Alexander Galt Regional High School student newspaper

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