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I’m Thankful For...

Hayden Pelletier

Thanksgiving, the holiday usually associated with turkeys and being thankful. But do people ever think of the history of Thanksgiving? What are the origins of this turkey-filled celebration? That is the topic of this article.

The first official Thanksgiving in Canada is dated back to November 6th 1879, even if the indigenous people would have harvest festivals before the Europeans came to North America. Sir Martin Frobisher and his crew are the first Europeans to ever participate in a harvest festival that became what we now know as Thanksgiving. The festival took place in 1578 and was located in the eastern arctic. The crew ate a meal of salted beef, biscuits and mushy peas.The inhabitants of new france, including Samuel  de champlain, came to North America in 1606. The traditions of Thanksgiving; eating turkey, stuffing, squash, and more  were introduced to Nova Scotia in the 1750s, then became common across Canada in the 1870s. Finally, in 1957, Thanksgiving was declared to be a yearly celebration that occurs on the second Monday of October in every province except Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and New Bruswick. 

In conclusion, Thanksgiving dates all the way back to 1879 and even before that if you include the indigenous harvest festivals that would occur yearly. Sir Martin Forbisher was the first to have an official Thanksgiving feast. Then it was introduced in Nova Scotia in the 1750s. Finally, Thanksgiving was officially celebrated on the 2nd Monday of October 1957, and every year since. Have a great Thanksgiving!


Piper Post, Alexander Galt Regional High School student newspaper

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