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MILSET ESI: Where Curiosity Meets Enthusiasm

Mateo Jarquin

Mateo Jarquin

Image source: Youth Science

Imagine a place where countries gather their most curious minds, not to compete, but rather explore the future of our world. A multicultural exhibition where STEM projects from all over the globe come together and break the language barrier in light of this universal language we call science. Well, this is exactly what MILSET has accomplished with their Expo-Sciences International (ESI) program. Are you interested? Because today we are going to take a dive into one of the world’s most fascinating experiences.

In addition to the exhibition of STEM projects, this experience also includes many cultural and scientific visits. As well as a variety of activities and workshops where we get the chance to discuss global science-related issues and bring forth our unique perspectives which may someday change the world. The amazing organization responsible for this event is known as MILSET, or the International Movement for Leisure Activities in Science and Technology.  Believe it or not, this organization is completely non-profit, and politically independent.

MILSET ESI is held once every two years. This year it was held in Puebla, where participants were given the opportunity to explore the rich culture of Mexico. It was also revealed during the closing ceremonies that the next ESI will be located in Abu Dhabi, which is sure to open up a new world of experiences! 

If you’re interested in joining Team Canada and traveling the world, then you’re in the right place. It all starts with the Estrie Regional Science Fair, where you can represent our school! From there, you have the chance to go on and represent our region at the Quebec-wide Expo-Science, which itself is a huge honor. However, from there, it still goes further. Yes, that's right. These science fairs actually go to a national level! It's actually from the Canada-Wide Science Fair where you can send in your application to MILSET ESI. I know it may seem overwhelming, and like a lot of work. But I’m confident that  you can make it. You want to know why? 

Because I did.


Piper Post, Alexander Galt Regional High School student newspaper

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