A new school year has started, and that means that a new season of extracurricular sports teams has begun!
Whether you're in level one, level five, or anything in between, you're allowed to participate in a variety of sports teams during the school year.
For the fall season, you may sign up for one of the following: soccer (many teams according to level), cross-country running and Senior girls flag football. If you're interested in being part of any of these teams, sign up here:
Practices and tryouts will start on Wednesday, September 1st after school. Late buses are available after most practice days providing transportation back to many areas and towns. For practice and late bus schedules, check the Student Bulletin (available through the school website and sent to you by email), as well as directly through the school website in the Student Life section.
If you have any questions regarding the sports teams, contact Mr. Fisk by email (fiskr@edu.etsb.qc.ca) or see him at his office in the gym.