Emma Knapp
We would like to take a moment to thank all the teachers at Alexander Galt Regional High School, for all the effort and patience towards their teaching and the students. Teacher Appreciation Week signifies the amount of work and effort the teachers put into their role.
Teacher appreciation week is an event in honour of the teachers to remember their long contributions to the education of students and today’s education in society. It also celebrates the accomplishments and the sacrifices that the teachers have made throughout their whole career.
These teachers at Alexander Galt put so much consideration into their students' future, to make them well educated and to make sure they are ready for what comes next!
Yesterday, February 6th, Pipers went around to the classrooms in the school to give out items/treats to teachers to show their appreciation.
Yesterday, February 6th, we had an event over the intercom. This event was whichever teacher could guess the song that was played by Mr. Kelso, the cycle two vice principal, would win a twenty five dollar gift card! Also, we would like to thank the principals as well, for solving issues and being there for their students!
Alexander Galt would not be the school it is today without the teachers, principals, staff and the students!
We would also like to point out the historical facts about teacher appreciation week! Teacher appreciation day started in 1994 on October 5th. UNESCO proclaimed October 5th as the world's teachers day, to celebrate the accomplishments of teachers all around the world. Although, in schools like ours, teacher appreciation week is through February 6th to February 10th.
Now, we all have that one teacher we really admire, trust, and remember throughout our lives, this is the week that we get to value everything that our teachers have done for us up to this day.
As students, on this day, we could give out cards, treats, and gifts such as candles, calendars, gift cards with messages inside them, chocolate and or flowers!
So, thank you to all the teachers, principals and staff in our school who have put effort into their jobs and patience for us.