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Alone in Blue Lock

Creative Writing

Emma Rawal

“So, hey… You okay?” Ezekiel questioned me. I wasn’t sure how to respond. He glanced down and back up at me, waiting for an answer. I felt so uncertain if I should be there. He leaned back, into the expensive cushioned seat behind him. The seat he and I were sitting on was formed as a half circle. Inside that was a round glass table with roses in a jar. A distance away from the flowers stood tall wine glasses sitting  on neatly placed napkins. 

Ezekiel lifted up his glass of wine in his right hand, and gently held it to his peach beige lips. Midnight blue eyes were mysteriously hidden underneath his hair. His eyes relaxed as he took a slow sip of the luxurious red wine.  The light was beaming through his eyes. It was something you’d notice. Angelic eyes, like they're glowing and perfect. But Roy, I miss Roy.

There were sea glass lights hanging above us. The lamp shades were pieces of sea glass hanging like a waterfall facing down, with different tones of white and gray. I let out a sigh. Maybe I should enjoy this evening. Bea worked a lot to set me up with her twin’s friend. I mean, he is handsome. I’m not sure if I’m ready to forget about Roy. I still longed for him. But they say I have to move on. 

“Ezekiel, I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, it’s just, I haven’t been on a date in such a long time.” I uncomfortably explained as I was tilting my glass, watching the wine swirling around in the vessel. 

“Hey.” He touched my chin and lifted my head up, directly in line with his.  He leaned across the table and gazed deeply into my hazel eyes. Seconds later he released a smile. “You’re not making me uncomfortable, so don’t worry. Also, Talia, you could call me Zeke.” The brunette boy placed his hand on his lap as he straightened his posture leaning back into his side of the table. “Most people call me Zeke because it’s shorter. Talia, you didn’t answer my question. Are you okay?” He looked concerned. 

I replied, “Um… I’m okay. Do I not look okay?” I felt my cheeks flush hot all of a sudden. My slow realization that he was that close to me. Wait, why is he acting so comfortable around me?

“Well, what would you like to talk about?” Zeke asked me, as he toyed with the jar holding three roses. His watch was flickering in the light. “How did you and Blake meet?” 

“Come on, you know that. We were classmates in elementary school, and became best friends. I guess we have stayed very close since then. Even though we’re both going to different colleges, we stay close like usual.” 

I never knew Blake and Zeke were friends for that long. I remembered Bea telling me that they were close friends, but I didn’t know that they were tight. The night went by so slowly. She knew that interaction with him gave her a good chance to know him more. She felt like maybe she could have a chance to move on. 

The leaves danced as she took in a breath of the November air. It’s been a week since that night. Bea would say that all I can do is try to love someone else in order to forget Roy. Do I really want to try love again? After roy I felt at ease. I just wanted peace. The peace I had just like the empty quiet life before meeting him. 

I grew up with an overworking father. We had lots of money although he was a harsh workaholic. Blue Lock town was where old money families lived. Educational places tend to be more in the city. I wasn’t ever a fan of big social groups or ever having a social life. Bea calls me the lonely book worm. When I was reunited with my father after my mother lost custody of me, I moved to Blue Lock. I remember that day. I was in first grade walking into a large building in the city with new people. I was different. I was invisible from the world until this dirty blonde girl joined me on my way to the library. That girl is now my best friend. My father would tell me to go there because he was never home until seven p.m. He had a friend working at the cafe attached to the library, she would take care of me and tutor me throughout all of my schooling. Even now she helps me.  Blue Lock library is like my second home. The bus would drop most children off by the library because it was in the middle of a neighborhood. 

Feeling the tile underneath my shoes walking towards the library I felt a shift in the air. 

Hearing someone sprinting behind me, Hey! Slow down, you’re walking too fast!” Bea lashed onto my postbag hanging on my left shoulder. She was out of breath from running. Bea was the sporty loud type. I mean who could blame her? She grew up with five brothers. She was tall with straight blonde hair and blue eyes. She had the same eyes as her brother, Blake. They were the youngest of the family. I always longed for a brother or sister. Just acknowledging the fact that I don’t have much of a family experience. We’re like sisters. We mean everything to each other. It was two lost souls looking for a connection. 

“So did you finish the essay for Mr. M?” questioned Bea as she gasped for air. “In truth, I haven’t. Coach has been on our toes since we lost that game last friday. Do you think that Lina could help me finish?” The blonde girl muttered as she put her hair in a ruff messy bun. I wasn’t really sure whether Lina was working today. Although I haven’t finished the essay either considering that Spanish class stole most of my attention these days. Hard to tell her that I was behind. I never let my homework or studies get left behind or unfinished. I would tutor Bea sometimes and Lina would help me as well. Besides, ever since the old coach retired, volleyball hasn’t been as exciting for her now. She puts too much effort and time into the team even though she is team captain.  



Piper Post, Alexander Galt Regional High School student newspaper

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