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April Fools Day


April fools day, a day to prank your friends and loved ones with harmless little jokes. But there's more to this funny holiday, like history, not many people know the history of April Fools day. There are also some little pranks you can play on people.

It dates back to 1582, when the calendars changed from Julian calendar to Georgian calendar. People who didn’t know that the calendar had changed thought that the spring equinox was the start of a new year, but it had changed to January 1st. They would celebrate the whole week of the spring equinox. Then it became a joke to everyone, and they called it "april fools." The tradition of the “poisson d’avril” was meant to symbolize a very easily caught fish, or a gullible person.

So April fools day is a hilarious holiday with some interesting history. “Poisson d’avril” is a classic but there are thousands of other pranks you can play on friends and loved ones. Be creative! There are infinite possibilities. But here are some ideas if you're feeling stuck.

Here is a bonus of ideas for pranks you can play.

  1. Change all the clocks in the house so that they are confused when they wake up

  2. Put googly eyes on all the food in your fridge

  3. Draw a spider on the corner of the toilet paper

  4. Take cheese balls. Cover them in chocolate and freeze them until firm. Then put them in a whoppers chocolate box and feed them to a friend



Piper Post, Alexander Galt Regional High School student newspaper

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