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Art Auction 2023 Recap

Logan Riley

Updated: Sep 17, 2023

Logan Riley

If you have read the first article on the 2023 art auction you already know about what was happening on March 30th, just in case, let me recap for you. Every year, the Galt art concentration hosts and organizes a charity event which showcases paintings that the students have made, and over the 2 hour long event, you can place bids on the paintings, and the highest bid takes the painting home. All proceeds from the auction get donated to a charity of the student’s choice. This year, the Canadian branch of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) were the lucky recipients of the profits.

The night of the auction had more than just the art this year around. Handmade and hand painted trinkets, earrings, and other small accessories were made available for purchase. There were snacks, some delicious tea, and fruit punch all available to everyone free of cost. A number of Galt music students also had a beautiful performance, where they played songs they had practiced inside and outside of class. Even later in the evening, the drama department had their time in the spotlight, when a couple of students acted out a very well rehearsed mini-play.

By the end of the evening, all of the bids were in, and the amount of money collected totaled 3,000 dollars! On top of that, a high-intensity bidding war took place between two parties, with the end price of the painting topping out at 500$! It was by far the most expensive painting of the night. In the end, all of the funds that the event produced got donated to the WWF, and hopefully the environmental concerns they hope to tackle will be aided by the bidder’s generosity!


Piper Post, Alexander Galt Regional High School student newspaper

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