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The Battle of Sacrifice

Creative Writing

Updated: Oct 7, 2024

Thomas Mario Khalil Habeeb

Crack! The ferocious trees swallowed his path. King Atraties widened his eyes, trying to see in the noiseless darkness. He had small blue eyes, a big rugged nose, and a large mouth with dry lips. The short brown hair he carried could only reach his average-sized ears. This woodland, nestled amidst his ancient village perched on top of a jagged mountain, held something horrifying. It terrorized his people. Lurking deep, it sent trembles that coursed through every living soul. Sachmet, once a brave knight of his, was cursed by Boldomort, the god of death, and transformed into a menacing beast. Daring King Atraties promised he’d be the last person to get terrorized by Sachmet.

As his vision adjusted, Atraties saw the dense, ominous forest that carried an unsettling scent of decay. The smell was pretty awful. Large, roaring oak trees stood threateningly, their branches swinging like hands reaching out to capture anyone’s soul. As his breath fogged the air, the King used his round wooden shield, though small, to protect him. He snuck through the forest. The tree barks were used as a guide as he felt their rough texture. The path narrowed deeper into the dead land.

Many warriors, knights, and princes had tried to slaughter the bloodthirsty evildoer, but none had succeeded. None had the secret except him. The high priest gave him a silver dagger.

“Be careful, Atraties. This dagger bears a secret.” the priest had said. “It sings of redemption and sacrifice.”

“Redemption? What is this?! It’s just used for battles,” the king had said, pushing the priest. “Stop saying nonsense!”

The king didn’t believe the priest at all. He hated him and didn’t want to talk to him because of his lies.

As the ruler finally arrived at the heart of the forest, roaring footsteps began to be heard. Atraties banged his sword to lure the monster. Clippity, clop, clippity, clop! The man heard running. He turned to the noise. Nothing could be seen. But he was certain he heard something. It was getting closer, louder, more aggressive. It was as if someone was blowing harder a million times more than normal.

Suddenly, he saw blood-red glowing eyes. From the forbidden shadows emerged Sachmet. Its huge skeletal body had about a dozen tentacles extended from its back designed to catch any mortal, any soul for Boldomort. This could be also said for its razor-sharp and chomping jaws. The teeth were full of blood stains from its victims, which Atraties could even taste. The creature’s hairless body was white, as plain as snow.

“Atraties, you dare to challenge me?! Dare you to challenge Boldomort? Your courage is surprising, but it WILL be your downfall!” the beast growled in a deep, angry voice.

The monster leaped at the king with its long, powerful legs. It rushed to the king. Using its sturdy curved horns on its oval-shaped head, it pushed him. Atraties quickly pulled his silver dagger and cut off the horns. The monster tumbles to the ground. GRRR!

“Sachmet, you were once my knight. Swore to protect our people. I will NOT let you spread fear and death,” the king replied with courage. “This ends now!”

Just when the king lifted the dagger, he stopped. The words of the priest suddenly filled his head. He thought of the connection between redemption and self-sacrifice. Then, it all made sense. Atraties realized that he would have to sacrifice himself to break Sachmet’s curse. He began to breathe heavily. His choice was excruciating. He loved his kingdom and his loyal knight. But the curse had twisted his knight into a monster. He didn’t want to die. The king made up his mind. He’d rather sacrifice himself than take the life of his fellow knight. Lifting the dagger, he plunged it into his heart. At once, Sachmet turns back to normal, looking like a knight.

“No! No! This is NOT the end! I WILL come back!” screams Boldomort from afar.

Sachemt weeps, looking at his master’s helpless body. With his master, more like a god gone, Sachmet decides to end his life. He takes the dagger, and positions it close to his heart.

“Stop!” yells his king.

“Master! Master! You're alive!” yells Sachmet.

“Welcome back, my faithful knight!” the king replies.

The king, acting normal, but deeply puzzled about his existence, goes to the high priest.

“What has happened, father?” asks Artaties.

“Sacrifice always has consequences,” replies the priest.

Atraties returns back to his castle knowing that he made the right choice. Knowing he had saved his kingdom, his knight, and himself.



Piper Post, Alexander Galt Regional High School student newspaper

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