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The Record Launches Youth Edition

Updated: Sep 17, 2023

On January 31st, The Record launched its first edition of The Point, their brand-new youth newspaper. It features work from Townshippers younger than age 25, including two Galt students!

It covers a variety of subjects that matter to people in the region, including arts & culture, opinion articles, sports, photo essays, and more.

If you're interested in submitting an article for their next edition, the deadline is February 22nd at noon. Email your submission to or

They are currently holding a contest where you can design their official logo! The deadline is February 16th. Send your designs to one of the two email addresses mentioned above.

Read the two articles by our Galt students. One piece is about Connor Bédard, by Anaelle Jutras-Plante, a secondary 5 student, and the other is about this year's Galt Drama production, written by Bryan Laprise, a secondary 4 student.

To read The Point, go to the "Other Media" page on the Piper Post, or visit The Record and search "The Point".

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