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Time to Act Now – Environmental Issues in Québec

Matilda Tscherpel

Image source: CBC

As you have probably heard on the news, Québec, like many other regions of the world, is currently experiencing some significant environmental challenges. These issues have increased in recent years due to climate change, urbanization, and industrialization. There are hundreds of little things that need to be paid attention to when it comes to saving Québec from climate change—far too many to list in this article. So, I have picked two of the most relevant and pressing ones that we, as students, can help mitigate.

1. Air Pollution

One of the most pressing environmental issues in Québec is air pollution. The dense urban population mixed with high industrial activity has created abnormal levels of pollution in cities like Montréal and Québec City, and even Sherbrooke. The pollution levels in these areas are a significant concern, as they have been linked to respiratory illnesses, heart disease, and other health problems.

The primary cause of air pollution in Québec, and around the world, is the burning of fossil fuels. Most of our electricity comes from hydroelectricity, but transportation and industrial activities still rely heavily on the burning of gasoline and diesel fuel. These emissions release pollutants such as nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter into the atmosphere, causing our air quality to significantly worsen.

We can all do several things to help reduce air pollution's impact here. One simple action is to reduce car usage by walking, cycling, or using public transport. We can also lower the demand for fossil fuels by using energy-efficient appliances and devices, something as simple as LED light bulbs, for example, and by reducing our general electricity use. And if you’re really interested and want to go all out, advocating and supporting the adoption of renewable energy sources by businesses and the government can also help reduce the province's overall emissions.

2. Water Pollution

Water pollution is another significant environmental issue affecting Québec, but one that you might not hear about as regularly as air pollution. Our waterways are vulnerable to industrial and agricultural activity, which basically just means waste from farms and factories far too often ends up in our rivers and lakes.This pollution can affect aquatic life as well as our own health, as source water for drinking is impacted.

Now, you might think: “I don’t own a factory” or “I don’t own a farm” and come to the conclusion that you play no part in this. Unfortunately, though, you do. We all do. So, what can be done?

You can help reduce water pollution by being thoughtful with household waste disposal, reducing plastic use, conserving water usage, and limiting fertilizer use on lawns and gardens. Supporting the implementation of water treatment facilities and sustainable farming practices can also play a role in improving water quality.

To sum up, environmental issues in Québec are a significant concern, affecting our province's natural beauty and human health. Addressing these issues requires collective efforts and actions from individuals, corporations, and the government. As a community, we must take concrete measures to minimize our environmental impact and advocate for structural change that reduces the province's ecological footprint. The time to act is now. Together, we can make a difference and create a thriving, sustainable future for Québec.

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